Chambers Plumbing & Heating Inc., located in Loveland, CO, has provided friendly and knowledgeable premium plumbing services for homeowners and business owners since 1921. Our team of experienced plumbers has all of the necessary skills and training to repair damage to any of your bathroom fixtures, HVAC units, and kitchen fixtures. No matter what condition or state your plumbing system is in, rely on us to find a competitively priced and permanent solution. Below are some of the services we provide.
Our plumbing company has everything you need for your bathroom. No matter what fixtures you want to add to your bathroom, we have it. And if we don't, we can special order it for you. We carry products from top-tier brands, including American Standard, Delta, Kohler, and others.
Heating and Air Conditioning
An efficient heating and conditioning system keeps you comfortable and keeps your energy costs down. If you have an older system that needs to be replaced, we have plenty of high-quality brands that are sure to meet your needs. Our new 95%+ efficient condensing boilers and furnaces are available for both residential and commercial use. They warm your property quicker and help you save money. Visit our LG page to learn more.
90% + Efficient
Armstrong Furnace
97% Efficient
Rinnai Condensing Boiler
96% Efficient
Our contractors help you create the kitchen that you have always dreamed of having. Any fixture you want, we can get for you. We carry reputable brands, such as Delta, American Standard, Vitra, Gerber, and Kohler. Discuss your ideas with our local distributors to find out the design and installation costs.
Hot Water
Hot Water Anywhere was developed so that people could have access to hot water in remote locations. All you need is a cold-water source from a tank, stream, or domestic supply and it can be heated to any temperature up to 140°F instantly. It can be used for a variety of situations, including:
- Sporting Events
- Hot Tub Filling
- Livestock Bathing
- Pet Grooming
- Stable Wash Down
- Forest Fire Base Camps
- Construction Sites
- Social Events
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Camping
- Disaster Sites
Conventional Tank Water Heaters
Browse through our selection of quality conventional tank water heaters. We recommend installing a tankless water heater because hot water only runs when you turn on the faucet. It operates more efficiently than conventional units do. If this option is not available, we can provide you with a quality tank-type water heater.
Outdoor Unit
Indoor Unit
Indoor Art Cool Unit
Indoor Art Cool Picture Unit
2 Condensers with 3 indoor heat/cool wall units
2 dual cool Condensers
Dual outdoor cooling only Condenser
Water Cop System
This next generation flood prevention system will shut off your main water to the house if it detects a water leak. Approximately 25% of homeowners have experienced water damage from appliance leaks and broke or frozen pipes. WaterCop Automatice Water SHut-Off systems are a time tested tool in reducing the chances of major household plumbing leaks.